
This part of the Website is a work in progress. More songs and skits will be added over time.

Singing and praising is a tremendous way to worship the Lord! Below is a collection of some of the greatest Christian music. We hope you find the ones you choose to play uplifting and enjoyable! Please note that we have no ownership in any of the videos. They do not play on our website; they are linked to You Tube where the owner of the video is displayed.

Christmas Songs

Sounding Joy (3:45)

Christmas Is a Baby (2:50)

The Christmas Box (2:25) (This is not a song, but it conveys a wonderful message.)

If I Were There (3:40)

When We Seek Him (3:10)

Pastor Appreciation:

Man of Faith (The Blythe Family) (4:15)

Pastor’s Song (Donna Jackson) (2:25)

Where Would I Be? (The Blythe Family) (4:30)

Little Boy and the Preacher Man  (Jesse Howard) (4:00) (You will likely cry when you hear this song; sadly, there are too many situations like this in our country.)

Easter Songs

Rise Again (Dallas Holm) (4:00)

In Christ Alon(Geoff Moore and Adrienne Liesching) (5:30)

Easter Song (Keith Green) (3.55)



Kid’s Songs:

I Love My Church  (2:50)

He Knows My Name Marantha Singers (3:20) Adult song as well, but kids are featured in this version.

Praise and Worship:

10,000 Reasons  (5:40)

Here I Am to Worship  (4:00)

I Just Came to Praise the Lord   (2:30)

Thank You  (5:30)

Thank You for Giving to the Lord  (5:30)

First Things First  (4:00)

Mighty to Save  (3:50)

I Will Sing Don Meon (3:45)

Blessed Be Your Name  (3:30)

Jesus Your Name  (4:05)

Open the Eyes of My Heart  (3:40)

Oh, How He Loves You and Me  (3:10)

I’d Rather Have Jesus  (2:50)

Give Thanks  (3:10)

What a Lovely Name  (3:50)

At That Old Country Church  (3:55)

God Will Make a Way  (4:20)

Lord I Give You My Heart   (3:30)

I Just Want to Be Where You Are Don Moen (2.55)

Sing for Joy Don Meon (3:40)

When It's All Been Said and Done (Don Meon) (3:25)

Contemporary Christian:

Days of Elijah  (5:15)

First Things First  (4:00)

Mighty to Save  (3:50)

In Christ Alone  (5:30)

Blessings (Laura Story) (4:45)


Love Songs:

You Don’t Love God (If You Don’t Love Your Neighbor)  (3:15)

Great Hymns: 

Be Thou My Vision (3:00)


I Believe He’s Coming Back (Happy Goodman Family) (3:05)

It’s Shoutin Time in Heaven  (Kingdom Heirs) (3:15)

I'm Standing on the Solid Rock  (Florida Boys) (3.30)

I'll Meet You in the Morning  (Gaither Music TV) (3:30)

Eastern Gate (Happy Goodmans) (2:45)

Stand by Me  (Florida Boys) (3:20)

What a Beautiful Day (Kingdom Heirs) (3:30)

I'm Wingin' My Way Back Home (Legacy Five) (4:50)

I'm Getting Ready to Leave This World (LeFevre Quartet) (3.00)

A Wonderful Time Up There (Cathedral Quartet) (3:15)

Trying to Get a Glimpse (Cathedral Quartet) (3:35)

Climber Higher and Higher (Cathedral Quartet) (2:25)

Boundless Love (Cathedral Quartet) (3.25)

Wedding Music (Redeemed Quartet) (3.50)

On the Sea of Life (Redeemed Quartet) (1:50)

Coming Soon (Redeemed Quartet) (3:10)

Meet Me at the Table (Redeemed Quartet) (2:15)

Come to the Door (Redeemed Quartet) (3:30)

Just a Little Talk with Jesus (Redeemed Quartet) (3:05)




A Moving Story about Gratitude

God Is Waiting for You

The Power of Words